Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to Jailbreak APPLE IOS 7.1 for Ipads iphones step by step

How to Jailbreak APPLE IOS 7.1 for Ipads iphones step by step 

- Download and install iOS Soft Dev Pack 

- Click on Tethered Jailbreak iOS 7.1 iPhone 4 ONLY!!!

- Click 1 to run the ssh_rd tool

- Put your iPhone 4 into DFU mode

- Wait until ssh_rd tool is done (when you see Successful in GREEN letters)

- Click number 2 to mount your device filesystem (if not mounted the first time, just close the window, 
and click number 2 again)

- Click number 3 to copy the needed files over to tether jailbreak your iPhone 4

- Your device will reboot and look like its in restore mode.

- Click Tethered Boot iOS 7.1 iPhone 4 button (depending on your device you will need to choose the 
correct tether boot option they are as follows: AT&T-3,1 Sprint-3,2 Verizon- 3,3).

- Once its done you wont see Cydia just yet, this is a tethered Jailbreak.

- Now you need to boot tether your device again by following step 10 again (Click tethered boot iOS 
7.1 iPhone 4 button depending on your device you will need to choose the correct tether boot option 
they are as follows: AT&T-3,1 Sprint-3,2 Verizon-3,3).

- This time when your device turns on, scroll to the side, and you'll find Cydia!


  1. I will be posting video on Facebook not on here, so pleae like to connected
